Wednesday, October 13, 2010

the end of an might say


Here it is.

And here is a little background for those that don't know...

It was sophomore year, a solid three years ago, during a routine phone call with my parents, when they asked if I'd like them to pick me up anything at the store to get on my next trip home. "You know what?" I replied, "I've really been craving chocolate milk lately." 

Little did I know, that craving would change my life as I knew it.

So I headed to Greenville that weekend to hang out with the fam and pick up my container of Nesquik. What I found, however, was a CONTAINER of Nesquik. A container. of Nesquik.

Every college roomate I've had since has been subjected to my begging, pleading, and bribing of them to help me tame the chocolate beast and finish off that giant container so it didn't have to travel home with me every summer. This container of Nesquik has been the focus of chocolate milk parties, and has graced every countertop of every apartment I've lived in. It would even find its way back onto the counter when an unsuspecting soul would hide it away in a cabinet. This container has been the one constant during my time at Clemson amongst years of different classes, different apartments, and different roomates. I could always count on that bright yellow bottomless pit of chocolate powder to be there, no matter where I ended up in life. I honestly believed that I would never see the bottom of that container.

Well, the day has come. My hubby happens to love a tall glass of chocolate milk every now and then daily, and has taken on this container like no one before him has been able to. He tackled it with a vengeance and in a matter of only a few months of marriage, the container was defeated.

I wish I had a photo of the inside of the empty container, but I think I was so shocked that it was actually gone that I could only manage to snap a photo of the outside. But rest assured, the beast has been dominated.

It's the end of an might say.


  1. Soooo... this was at the top of my mini feed when I signed onto facebook. I saw the pic of the container and thought "I know she dont STILL have that" lol I'm glad to know that its FINALLY gone!

    ~your old roomie Lyndsey M.~

  2. Uh-Oh! Gone this soon! Not to worry, your mother & I will pick you up another one the next time we are at Sam's ~ I believe there's a larger size now! ~

    Nothing like starting a new era!
